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Autoimmmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ATP) is a hemorrhagic disease with a more frequent presentation in infancy. Could appear with an all level of bleeding and sometimes involves the central nervous system (CNS).

Teks asmaul husna. Asmaul Husna 99 Nama Allah dan Artinya: 1. Ar-Rahman (Ar Rahman) Artinya Yang Maha Pemurah 2. Ar-Rahim (Ar Rahim) Artinya Yang Maha Mengasihi. Asmaul Husna dan artinya dalam bentuk file PDF ini merupakan artikel 110 Asmaul Husna dari website saya www.banghen.com. Materi Asmaul Husna ini sudah saya jad. 99 روبصلا Asma'ul Husna. Dia mempunyai al asmaa'ul husna (nama-nama yang terbaik) dan janganlah kamu mengeraskan suaramu dalam salatmu dan janganlah pula. Asmaul Husna artinya nama-nama Allah yang indah, baik, agung dan mulia sesuai dengan sifat-sifat Nya. Dalam artian perkata 'Asma' berarti nama dan 'husna' berarti. Asmaul Husna dan artinya yang saya susun pada tulisan ini tidak hanya 99 Asmaul Husna, namun berjumlah 110 Asmaul Husna. Asmaul Husna beserta artinya ini saya.

It is divided in 2 groups: the acute thrombocytopenic purpura (A-ATP) and the chronic form (C-ATP). To identify the presentation, evaluation and therapeutic modalities applied to patients with A-ATP. Material and methods. We realized a retrospective study in the Internal Medicine. Unit at the Children's Hospital in the State of Sonora, detecting 108 patients with the diagnosis of ATP in the last 10 years.

The variables studied were: age gender, clinical features, complications, treatment and evolution. We observed that the disease was more frequent in children under 6 years of age; there were no significant differences regarding gender, and the most common symptoms were bleeding of mucocutaneous tissues: 89% of the patients received treatment with prednisone; gammaglobulin and danazol in 4.5% and splenectomy 11 cases (14.5%); no evidence of mortality due to CNS hemorrhage; 85% presented remission and 15% went to chronicity. Urgent splenectomy was not required in our group, but these who underwent this type of surgery were cured in 91%. Being ATP an autoimmune disease the majority of patients may go under remission even without treatment; however, we have observed better results in the use of steroids, shortening their hospital stay; in this series we did not had any of the most severe complications of ATP.

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